From Tactic Wiki
Invoice Backed Up
- Get the ID of your invoice (invoice is called "facture" in French).
- You can get this ID by going to the Invoice's card, and check the address in your browser.
- For example the invoice ID is "29".
- Connect to your database (via phpmyadmin or command line, for example).
Invoice Recover Settings
- Run Tactic. Because the conf.php file is empty, the install process will be suggested instead of logon page.
- Choose first installation and provide all informations of your postgresql database as data source.
- Run process until the end. About administrator account asked at end, choose same than the one existing into your MySql sessions.
Invoice recovered Precautions
- You are now into an empty new instance of Tactic without old data.
- Enable all modules that were enabled into old database (enable is enough to create modules specific tables, that's all what we want: having same structure than old database).
- If you added "complementary fields" for some element, you must also defined them into this new instance (again, to have same fields into database than previous instance).
- We will load old data at next step.
Recovered Invoice Checked or Not
- Take a look at output log file resimport.log.
- If target structure was correctly matching mysql structure (no less tables nor fields), you should get no error.
- If you have error, please report them onto Tactic forum.
- Note that you can run this import several time if you fixed error manually to your structure