Barcode Module
Barcode is a machine readable representation of numerical aspects and characters consisted of bars and spaces. Barcodes can be seen often in the packages of products at super markets or at convenience stores. These barcodes are used in managing manufacturing information as well. This is why, Tactic has an enhanced service that can help the users in managing all important barcodes at a single space. Bar code module is one of the most unique features provided by Tactic. The users can easily add barcodes on products and third parties for enhancing their user experiences.
There is no need of installing this module, as it is already included within Tactic services.
For using this module the users need to enable it by using an administrator account. The menu options for activating this module are: Home –> Setup –> Module. The users then need to click on Activate. The modules will be activated after completing this step.
Barcode encoding
In Tactic set up page the users will be able to choose barcode format that the users need to and want to support. The engine that builds graphical output will be available within Tactic as well. After finishing the Barcode encoding the users can choose the features in accordance to their preferences. Two of the features that the users can use the barcodes with are, product management and third party management.
Usage of barcodes
Barcodes can be helpful in maintaining a specific order of products or third parties. The generation of barcodes can be performed by two methods. The first method is generating barcode by using keyboards and the second method is generating barcodes with the assistance of barcode generator. For using the first method the users need to enter the numbers, which are generally visible under the barcodes. For using the second method the users need to use an external device to scan the barcodes effectively.